Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/18/2006 (Comics example - "progress")



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Sitting and drinking far too much coffee today, while looking through the Sunday news, I noticed - more happened upon an entertaining little musing.

One of the stories in the newspaper - the entertainment insert - is pertaining to the comic book hero "Superman" and the history of it as well as briefs pertaining to the most recent incarnations of it.

You may wonder how this could possibly relate to anything I have been exploring - but really "it" (and other "specimen") are entirely relative to much of what I am addressing - though very much from a different perspective. Especially given that the "genre" of such is quite contained of itself in several ways.

It is itself a form of and within the series of "emulations" and "movement," motion" that I have addressed. Even further, it as considered on the whole, depicts and exemplifies that "speed" of amplified "development," and the "non- linear" development aspects I have put forward as opinion.

Consider simply as speculation - assigning each developmental "change" within the "progression" of the fictitious genre, as representation (though magnified and condensed in many ways within this example) of the "resonation" and "pattern" consistency within the larger process of "progress" and "development" I have explored.

Perhaps such consideration will make more clear the idea of "progression" that I have observed in the larger sense - especially substantiating that "non-linear" and "non-related" element and aspect.

Such observation also brings to light the tendencies of that larger process "within" such "revisions."

For instance, the development and introduction of a new character such as "Superman" is a form of actual "progress" through progressive corruptions - "change" as it were - where the revision of said character would be and is only that - but with each "revision" is still the effect in resonation of that larger process being represented within the example - which begot the initial character - only now transpiring in a more limited and contained manner - which itself is still anchored within the culmination of that initial combination and "development."

You can see where such isn't really an "evolution" as much as a "motionless change" in regard to said revisions. Perhaps as the difference between moles and freckles, and altering development of the human physique. The revisions are nothing more than moles and freckles so to speak - where the introduction of an entirely new character based on similar makeup within the genre, is a form of actual change - albeit, change which isn't acknowledged as such being due largely (in my belief) to our tendency in that "linear" focus and attention.

For example and as illustration as well pertaining to "proximity" and influence - at the base idea of "good guy hero," there isn't much difference between "Batman" and "Superman" within that basic concept of "good guy."

It is only with the introduction of various different influences in approaching the concept of good guy - those being "proximity" for instance and different perspectives - we then can establish "good guy" and further then can begin to have different traits appear within that basic concept between the two examples - this being directly as result of that "filtration" for reasons I have addressed.

Further within that process, there is no direct linear relationship, though similarities (and differences) are present within the two examples of "good guy" - "species" - as result of the introduction of other influences.

They both contain the "good guy" element, but in most other ways are in no way related.

Even further, the genre of literature known as comic books itself - definitely serves as example within our existence as the emulation which we exist as - itself then simply being the manifestation of said reverberations through our own existence.

The only thing I would argue contrary about this observation is that within my own belief - within that larger process, there wasn't necessarily a "first issue" comic book species (variation) so to speak.

I feel that such in regard to the manifestation of that emulation in such a manner, is entirely due to the fact that it is "through" our perspective - our processing (again, as emulation) of that larger process.


11/22/2006 In regard to this in fewer words and a different example as metaphor; It could be said that our existence - perception - all told, could be likened to an electronic effects unit processor within the genre of modern music. Though of course differing in the respect that we aren't variables on a selector dial, and in no way as segregated as would be different "effects" to select. The similarity is in regard to the flow of the electronic signal being effected within the use of such a piece of equipment, and of course our relationship with that larger process (which we have systematically moved ourselves farther from through insulation's comprised of various introduced "structure" and imposed limitations).

I am not saying this is right or wrong - only that it is something I observe of a larger consistency within existence.


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